(short term) Cure to the Travel Itch/Bug/Sting..whateva

Who need cars, boats, trains and planes when you have 360cities.net. I saw this through a japanese blog of artist highlighting a bike shop in Tokyo. The link had an interactive panorama of the bike shop at 360cities.com. I, of course, ventured further and couldn't believe what I found next. The world is at you finger tips at 360cities.net.
'360cities.net is a great way to check out thousands of high-resolution, interactive panorama images from around the world.'
(sited from 360.net)

So if you DoN't have the dough to travel, this site could alleviate the pain that comes along with your daily/weekly/monthly travel itch/bug/sting.

Go check out 360.net (UNTIL YOU GET THE $$$ to travel) so your world isn't outta sight.

JAN - track bike shop in horikiri, tokyo in Japan

Found this today.
Enjoy all you electro ganster fans.

CreativeMindS United

My mission is to pass along sites, blogs, music, people, places and products I've come upon that I feel is outta sight. I love it when creative minds join forces to create new platforms for other artists to stand upon.

I also love graffiti art and those artists who take their work to the streets so it can be seen and enjoyed (for FREE) by everyone. However there are many who do not share my opinion and use their high political position to stomp upon the creative minds who only wish to illuminate the street with beauty through out the world.
...unless the aRtwork is commissioned..but once the piece is assigned and has had to be approved by committee after committee..its just not the same...

I can't exactly say that these artists are entirely outta sight because if you've been lucky, you might have already seen their work while walking down you street.
If not, you can get you fill of awesome street art from around the world with the help of the Wooster Collective.
Check out the artist featured on woostercollective.com. They're outta site!..kinda

CreativeMind: Nicoline Patricia Malina

She was born in Surabaya, Indonesia and studied Fine Art and he artistic talent later led to Fashion photography. Since 2005 shes been working for clients all over the globe.
In this past year she won the "Young Photographer of The Year" award at the 2009 ELLE Style Awards.
Love and look out for Nicoline's work. She's outta sight.

This past week I across this gentleman's lively rhymes and lovely beats.
But this Washington D.C. based rapper and self proclaimed "Ambassador of Rap for the Capital", has apparently been around for quite some time.
I dig every song hes put out and been featured in. I can't wait till his next show in LA.
Wale's outta sight.

These are two of my favs:

Mirrors (Feat. Bun B) - Wale

W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E. - Wale

I love all of Joe Ratcliffe 's work.
I love that he pushes and expresses his artistic perspective in more than just one genre. Typography design. Illustration. Paintings...
I believe the more the genres you experiment in..the better.
I came across his work when I was reference hunting in the valley of cyberspaces and hes now apart of my 'love dis artist' collection.
Check him out. He's outta sight.